Much Ado About Nothing
Todd Hayen

Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash
Do any of you think we are over-reacting? I don’t think so, but the sheep-folk certainly do. They claim they are willing to let bygones be bygones and just put it all in the past and get on with life.
I am sure everyone reading this is aware of the bombshell editorial The Atlantic dropped recently with their amnesty nonsense. I don’t think I have been more livid reading an article since the days of seeing piece after piece about how effective masks are against viral transmission.
I won’t comment on The Atlantic blather directly here, as there have been many fine responses to it, but wow, what a piece. So typical of a bully trying to pretend he loved his victims all along when he knows he is cornered and about to be punished. One last punch disguised as a kiss.
I just got back from a little cruise. Major ports were Barcelona, Rome, Florence, Monaco, and a smattering of little French and Italian hideaways. I had mixed feelings about going, but realized that if this tsunami we all see coming a few miles off the shore has the potential of wiping out most travel in the foreseeable future, I figured I might as well get something in before the onslaught.
It was nice in a lot of ways, as would be expected, but in other ways unusually disconcerting. For one thing, very, very few people had masks, and thus there was a palatable scent in the air of “Covid is a thing of the past.”
One would think this was a good thing, but instead it exuded a very clear vibe of denial.
Oddly enough, not wearing masks, and believing Covid to be over, to me is just another example of compliance to authority.
I know that seems a stretch, but if Covid were real, coupled with the truth that the vaccines do not work, and we were told again and again that there would be no natural herd immunity without a working vaccine, and we still hear of infections rising, variants being created, and hospitals becoming over crowded, why would people think the disease just died and disappeared? The reason is because we were told it was over.
We were told we suddenly didn’t need masks, that we could party with friends, vaxxed or unvaxxed, that we could gather in huge crowds, get on cruise ships (no one even cared that I was unvaccinated.) We were told what was true, what was real and what to worry or not worry about. And like sheep, most people blindly followed.
So shouldn’t I be happy? If I were, it would be for all of the wrong reasons. It is true we are all happy when the slave owner puts down the whip. Whip or not, however, we are still slaves.
I, too, bask in the sun of my controlled freedom—I went on a cruise didn’t I? After two years of not being “allowed to”—so I am just as guilty of this sort of compliance. I am one step closer to truth though; I know this offer of freedom is a tactic, a ploy, and a ruse.
I’ll take a scrap of bread when it is offered, but I will not succumb to complacency and forgive my master for his cruelty when he behaves, albeit for just a moment, as my friend. Most everyone else seems fine to let bygones be bygones.
I am not, and I suspect most of you reading this are not as well.
The great danger I see here in the masses just carrying on in complacent forgiveness is that they are encouraged to stay blind. Surely if they speak out against the atrocities that the world has experienced over the past three years they would quickly be categorized as a trouble maker, a pariah, and a misfit.
“Just get over it, man, it’s all over.”
Is it? No, of course not, you and I know that, and it is all still going on in various ways under the covers now, in the dark recesses of the culture: persecutions, continued efforts to vaccinate, and particularly vaccinate children, warnings of an “upcoming dark winter” where restrictions will come back into the mainstream. On and on, you know what I am speaking of.
However, the mass attitude now, as per The Atlantic piece, is “nothing all that much really happened.”
No one died unnecessarily due to the Covid response, no one got sick, no one lost their job or their livelihood, no one suffered socially (particularly children wearing masks in school), no one suffered educationally, nothing bad really happened.
If you are still pissed about all that DID happen, then you are overreacting…much ado about nothing.
So get over it, forget and forgive.
Not everyone on the world has read that article, but what I saw in Europe, it seems that most people, at least on physical observation, are basically taking on that attitude.
It breaks my heart.
I think about the countless mothers sitting by their children in countless hospitals nurturing them through a totally unprecedented heart incident.
I think of the countless families standing together at the funeral of a loved one, dead prematurely from a heart attack, blood clotting, or cancer—cause unknown, unless you want to apply the newly created diagnoses, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” What the hell is that?
A novel disease and now a common cause of death? Easy peasy explanation, eh? I think of the countless numbers of people suffering from a myriad of strange afflictions, which suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
I think again of countless people having suffered unconscionably, and pointlessly, after losing their jobs, their businesses, their life savings, and their livelihood—the countless children with lower IQs, and those who have suffered social retardation due to the mask mandates, social distancing, and mandatory online teaching at home with no socialization at all.
I could write 100 pages describing all of this—but most people don’t know, and if they do, don’t care, or just attribute all of this horror to the “cost of living—some are lucky in life, some are not.”
During my recent cruise not a word was uttered about any of this, thousands of people were encountered walking the streets of Rome, Florence, Barcelona, all laughing, eating, drinking, playing. While just beneath their feet, hidden a foot underground, there are skulls and bones of the fallen—all forgotten, and the perpetrators all forgiven.
When I was occasionally shaken from my self-induced and compliant vacation reverie, my heart ached talking to all of the young vibrant crewmembers on our ship.
I would hear of their plans to be married, create families, further their careers and live fully their vibrant lives—followed with the admission that they all had to be vaccinated to get their current jobs on the ship.
What really lies ahead for these beautiful children of God so innocent and full of life? I would shake my head, “maybe none of this is true, and maybe I am making more of it than it really is. Maybe they are right, and it really wasn’t that bad, just a mistake made here and there that we really could get over. It is all fine…let’s move on.”
Then a bone cracks under my foot—just a few inches from the surface of awareness—the truth. And I slip back into reality.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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This article s not only NONSENSE it’s FUCKING BULLSHIT…you should stay locked up in psychiatry…
What are you saying? That the vaccines are “safe and effective”? Is that what you believe?
” Facts are stubborn things…” John Adams.
Most stubborn of all, unless it were Ignorance.
This is even better – Free Version.
Just click the link – and give it a bit of time…You are allowed to start laughing at floor 4.5
Americans aren’t completely useless
We have got CJ Hopkins now in Berlin for a start.
I first watched this film about 15 years ago, when I was not well – serious dose from both ends. I said to my wife – just you go to the pub tp see the band, whilst I watch this film.
If you have ever woken up in the middle of a roundabout, and you haven’t a clue how you got there, nor any idea of where you are…
And you go “Oh Shit”
He was on my team – and he turned up a little bit late for work, and confessed everything he could remember.
He has got a nice girlfriend too – been trying to kick him into shape for the last 40 years or so – still together..
As are us two.
We never did Magic Mushrooms, as currently promoted by The Guardian, but I did work with a lovely man who did. I used to pick him up and give him a lift to work.
Nice man – good at his job in computing – which he only did to earn money.
Whilst completely Brilliant at his Art…
You know one of these Stone Mason People,
He could draw me in a flash.
I was his boss
But this was Ivan The Sculptor.
His hair went white at the age of 25
I hope he is still alive and well
The important thing is to retain a sense of humour, when everything goes to shit, and hang on to anything – everything you have got left
And Scream Swim You Fucker – kick your legs or you will kill me too
Said the kid, saving my Dad’s Life at Mapledurham – on the Thames
I like people like that….Fast as a fart..Fastest swimmer I have seen in my life. My son hadn’t been born then, but would do exactly the same.
Save a life.
I am a crap swimmer, but did it once from Camber Sands
His football was blowing away in the wind.
He was about 7 years old, and thought he could swim
I caught up with him, grabbed him about to drown
Got him back to the beach and he was crying his heart out. and so was I
But I had saved a life…
His Dad – and his Family knew nothing about it -and Seriously Slagged him off, for losing the Football.
I didn’t say anything.
I wasn’t about to tell them, I have just saved your son’s life.
You just kind of do it, and keep your gob shut.
You do not know what you have got,,,,,,
Must get fitter,
Its about being a human.
You don’t even think about it, if you can save a Child’s Life
You just do it.
This video is worth watching. Its not about Covid but about the influenza outbreak at the end of WW1 (“The Spanish Flu”). Its gives me an awful feeling of deja vu.
The so-called ‘Spanish Flu’ of 1918 was NOT a ‘virus’. That, too, was a mass of deaths and illnesses caused by ‘vaccines’ given at the time, and also as a result of the medical personnel giving high doses of aspirin to people, which caused illnesses and deaths.
Many people at the time knew that what I’ve summarised above was what was really going on. There’s enough documented about it, so no one should be in a position to say “I didn’t know that…”. It’s the corrupt Establishment who have tried to make people think that there was a ‘deadly virus’ sweeping the world in 1918. When there wasn’t…
What is truly unforgiveable to me is: those parents who have a choice & have chosen to Mask/Jab their Children. If they want to swallow this Crap & do as they’re told, go ahead; but, allow your Chilren a Child’s life!
I find this video fascinating re how The CIA works to control the information flow – propaganda – to the mainstream press.
One may think they are a lot better at it now, like there was this German bloke Udo Ulfkotte, who spilled the beans, and very shortly later ended up dead (heart attacks happen)
But this is a new old one on me. You can tell he is telling the truth, cos he explains all the techniques (then). Much the same thing now, except the psychological mind control has been refined, and if you don’t comply, you may end up dead – with a heart attack or a sudden very aggresive cancer (especially if you have been jabbed)
“CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories in Vietnam”
Let’s just forgive and forget (and slash our wrists). Note the date of publication: >
The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?
By Barbara Loe Fisher
March 08, 2015
The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready? – National Vaccine Information Center Newsletter (
Articles such as the one above have been published for decades.
A pathetic question: “What really lies ahead for these beautiful children of God so innocent and full of life?”
CDC Committee Votes to Add COVID-19 Vaccine to Childhood Vaccine Schedule
October 21, 2022
ACIP adds COVID-19 to Schedule | National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
There will be no children. Get a clue.
In the propaganda war, imperialism/tyranny tries to deflect and overwhelm us. As its apologists distract us with a defence of jab effectiveness and safety so far, U$A has already decreed that it is henceforth a routine jab for young children.
Here’s a great discussion with Alex Krainer and Matthew Ehret on how different life is outside the western propaganda bubble. No doom and gloom, the government still invests in a healthy public sector, there’s no poverty or homelessness… and this is in Baku Azerbaijan!
Eurasian Integration, Oligarchical Delusions and more with Alex Krainer on Rogue news
I’m in Japan, people will not give up their masks. Small children a losing the ability to enunciate clearly as a result. They are losing the connection between mouth movement and sound production.
That is utterly unforgivable. I thought the Japanese said no to the ‘jab’?
We in South Africa are very much as the author of this article describes. Masks are few and far between. But when one looks at those still wearing the awful thing, there is a definite pattern when looking at ‘race’ and age. I am so annoyed with what happened I have become quite intolerant and have to stop myself from being nasty to the mask wearers.
Many Japs have been using masks and gloves in public places for some time. This arises from germ phobia which is related to medical marketing. In Japan and Singapore, the extreme sanitary norms have seen a parallel rise in auto-immune diseases including asthma and some bowel disorders.
Of course… and everything they hear is lacking definition… “blean my what?, blean my roon? Could you write this down please!”
It’s an all out attack on every level- physical, societal, mental, reproductive. It’s a global genocide and species deformation.
I was still watching RT News in the US when the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched in March, 2020– to my horror, RT enthusiastically jumped on the hysterical scamdemic-propaganda bandwagon with both feet. (Ironically, RT News was later fatally censored from US broadcasting– a victim of another fraudulent pandemic”: Russophobia.)
But I digress! Your comment reminded me of watching an RT segment hosted by the charming Manila Chan during the first days of the scamdemic. Some guest mentioned the sudden imperative to obtain masks. Manila chuckled and said, “No problem at my house! We’re an Asian family, and we already have boxes of ’em!”
Manila describes herself as “ethnically equal parts Lao+Chinese, with a sprinkle of Mongolian/Siberian”. Your comment brought this to mind, because at the time I thought that if the segment chatter had been the other way around– say, a co-anchor or guest quipping, “You’re Asian, Manila, so you probably already have boxes of masks at home!” it would be regarded as obvious racist, bigoted stereotyping. 😷
Lies are doomed to failure.
If we follow the liar in anything, like boiling an egg, we end up, for example, first breaking the egg and then meditating a half an hour how to glue it back together.
That is not succeeding in the task.
And that’s why this stupid evil shit war shall end in massive failure.
Here’s JP Sears talking about their failure:
Now they’re mixing up climate with gender. The PR teams are losing it!
“US President Joe Biden has announced the launch of a Climate Gender Equity Fund to promote female “climate leaders.” He unveiled the new initiative at the United Nations COP 27 conference on Friday.
A partnership between online retail company Amazon and government agency USAID, the fund will “leverage private sector contributions to provide women climate leaders with technical skills, networks and capital to develop and scale climate solutions,” the White House noted in a statement.”
The media is an increasingly aggressive assault on the public mind. And this attack has reached such a frothing fever pitch that the words themselves are starting to lose sense.
Most TV & films stars and MP’s/ PM’s are trannies.
I was waiting for an operation but my new organs have “melted” in their box, this global warming is a problem
That’s so discriminatory… Where’s the rights of the LGBTQIA+? 😋
My son runs an ISP, and one of his extremely rich customers would not pay his bills (for the fastest internet service in the world) – yet they were still friends – kids mine in London and him in New York…they used to play computer games when they were 13 years old.
So cos the new York kid was from Saudi Arabia ( he invited my my kid to Saudia Arabia)
He was like 23. still dressed like a kid of 18 – jeans and t-Shirt
his mate says go on do it…
Do a full presentation – bidding for the contract, providing computer services to Saudi Arabia, after the jet lag – and the city…
The Prince’s were all dressed up in ther gowns….and like the kid he he is..He gave them his speech translated into Arabic after 24 hours recovering from jet lag
My Kid in front of all these Arabs – in the depths of Saudi Arabia – when he is 23.
How do you boys and girls meet each other…one side for the boys and another for the girls….
His friend still wouldn’t pay…so they came to a deal…
He said OK – I will settle for that.
They thought he would never collect..
So he learns how to Sail…He joins a Sailing Club, and learns how to sail, and get Professionally Qualified as a Captain.
No one would volunteer, not even me, to collect his now boat – somewhere quite close to Russia…
So he did it himself, reflagged – with a new British Paint Job and Flag…
It was now his boat.
I said you can’t do it all by yourself – all the way…
He said I am in Med now – passed all the customs
So he put an advert in online Yachting magazine
Good looking boy
Does anyone want to help me, sailing my boat from Bulgaria to England?
I have seen some of the photos, even met some of the girls.
Boat still here.
He has got a Baby Daughter now.
She is Beautiful
If you just try
I want to go sailing again, now with my Baby Grand Daughter
All right I’ll make a deal with you. I have this African prince who stashed millions in a tree (don’t know exactly how much or what currency) and it’s up for grabs,. You help me w that and I will help you with the boat Toney.
Like most here, I’m surrounded by “normal” people and they don’t think anything was wrong at all about the past 3 years. They think it was a natural response to a global pandemic and they credit the vaccine with ending it. What can you say in response to that? I know several people who plan to get the flu and COVID booster. I don’t bother trying to change anyone’s mind now: only YOU can wake yourself up.
For the most part, human beings are not interested in the truth. Bespoke truth? Now you’re talking!
CK you wrote that: I don’t bother trying to change anyone’s mind now: only YOU can wake yourself up.
What’s your explanation if any, as to how that can be achieved CK, if they are not susceptible to what you have tried to do yourself in that respect?
By the way, psychiatrists like to use the term “normal” to describe people who don’t buck the system and have the required psychological attributes for maintaining the status quo.
PR China presently spends 1.4% of its GDP on PCR tests. That is a lot of money but worth it for mr. X as he wants to make every entity in China his personal PRC pawn.
In 2020 he started a border war in the Himalayas so he is not scared of any virus infection, but misuses lockdown tyranny to enforce 100% control over everything in mainland China, including regional and foreign MNCs. He had already 80% control but that was not enough. Those PCR tests are damn handy in the hands of uber authoritarians.
Most countries dismissed all the quick tests (assuming there is a disease) as unreliable. Perhaps they plan to deliver the (PCR) verdict on each person’s status after evaluating his “social credit” (score from spying).
Most countries including China are resolutely evading the fact that US has (officially) dropped PCR. Is it scientifically valid or not? What happened to The Science?
The FTX Collapse Explained in 99 Seconds
Podcast: The FALL of the CRYPTO CABAL (and the rise of honest money)
I despise them for being the holocaust deniers of our time,
I despise them for defending their willful ignorance,
I despise them for their willing compliance.
The earthquake is over and the tide has receded. I hope they stay and have a nice day at the beach.
It’s not a question of denying the holocaust, it is a question of challenging a narrative that is full of holes, but it’s right to despise them for the other reasons.
The guys in charge just want to “return to normal” (and really, isn’t that what we all want?).
And in the US, what could be more normal than the CDC adding another vaccination to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule? Instead of 72, we now have 73 – the 73rd being the Covid vaccine, which was quietly, unobtrusively, and with little or no fanfare added to the Schedule.
No longer will they need parental permission to jab the children. Forced sterilization, perhaps even genocide, of an entire generation…as easy as flipping a switch.
That’s what they call the New Normal.
Western nations have twice as many vaccines for children than the rest of the world.
Little premature for amnesty. We don’t even know what epigenetic effects will appear in people yet.
As far as things being over, I seriously doubt it. If we look at 3 of Desantis’s donors, we can see the kind of trends to come.
Kenneth C Griffin:
“Griffin said most hot-button issues — abortion rights, battles over sex education and LGBTQ rights — don’t define his interests. He wants to improve the diversity of the GOP and blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world.”
Ken expects Desantis to pull through on stopping populism and realigning with the corporate world. That’s a bad sign.
Club for Growth:
“Therefore, in the end, the costs of protectionism are largely borne not by some foreign country, but by American businesses, consumers and taxpayers.”
Yes, the evil populists cause the problems. That’s 2 for stopping populism.
Walter W Buckley:
Donates millions to “The Protect Ohio Pac”, which heavily funded JD Vance, a venture capitalist, in Pa.
JD has Kriya in the portfolio. Kriya is a business with the motto “Unleashing the Power of Gene Therapy“.
JD also invests in AmplifyBio, which portends to enhance healthcare by “creating next generation platforms, tools, and services to amplify and accelerate the development of therapies and vaccines that will be accessible to millions of people.”
Needless to say, JD will be horrible for Pa.
So, in just 3 donors from a recent election, we find anti-populist expectations, gene therapy and more vaccines. Not a good sign, and these donors are behind a supposed people’s governor.
Will anything change on Capitol Hill? Not likely. On Jan 25 2021, Trump-trap signed executive order 13983, which revoked EO 13770.
EO 13770 was the EO that restricted lobbyists. Trump-trap stabbed the US citizenry in the back right up to his final days in office. Completely unshackled lobbyists as he walked out the door.
With free reign behind the scenes, we can be sure that lobbyists will completely corrupt what, if anything, is left of American politics.
They aren’t anywhere near finished, IMO.
Wouldn’t it be nice if this headline read: “Ukraine Plans to Create Organic Farming Industry To Produce Nutritious Food for the World“?
Yeah. Right. May as well believe in the Tooth Fairy.
Instead, it’s just more proof that the world is being run by psychopaths.
Unfortunately he might feel forces to say yes if he doesn’t want to lose his job. 🙁
More gold from Elmer:
“At the same time, under the guise of protecting adolescents and young adults from a disease to which they are statistically immune, the biosecurity state hasn’t shrunk from advising its obedient citizens to abstain from certain sexual practices, to practice a new form of ‘safe sex’ (not face to face), or to give up sex altogether, as it were, ‘for the common good’. As for children, the vast financial and institutional resources concurrently being used to promote so-called non-binary and trans-sexual identities even among pre-pubescent infants appears to be directed toward a similar goal. Certainly, the erasure of intimacy won’t stop at social distancing and masking, and will endeavour, as the biosecurity states of historical fascism did, to impose its restrictions and obligations on sexual intercourse (the extreme example being the prohibition on ‘miscegenation’ in Nazi Germany). The monitoring and manipulation of human sexuality has always been used by authoritarian and particularly totalitarian states to control the behaviour of its citizens, and the global biosecurity state has technologies to do so undreamed of by historical fascism, whether that’s repressing desire in obedience to the orthodoxies of biosecurity or releasing pent-up anger against those who fail to obey.”
The transgender bullshit as a scheme to eliminate sex – or, at least reproductive sex – altogether. (And even if, by some miracle, children are actually born, they will be severely disfunctional without responsible parental guidance.)
Reducing population by any means is the goal, as is the frowning upon/restricting of pleasure – with a big dose of guilt.
Today’s “Repentance Ceremony” (ritual) in London and symbolically on Mt SINai will see Klaus/Moses descend with the ten (digital) tablets – their new version of the Ten Commandments.
Cloaked in the usual fine-sounding words, their “Ten Principles” will be the focus of intensive propaganda efforts. Repent,obey and you and the planet will be saved.
Along with this theatre, the globos are now promoting One Religion, leading to a One World Government. Tony Blair is helping by developing his “One Shot”. This jab is delivered before you get ill. To everyone.
Their fantasy gets ever more fantastical, and many will be sucked in.
“Do any of you think we are over-reacting?”
Well, Todd Hayen My mum was very much a cinema buff, she used to take me to see all the films – in the big screens in Oldham and Manchester – very much like my Wife – film buff goes to all the arts cinemas
So today (she only been to a funeral on Thursday), another friend died, close to one of our best friends we regularly meet at music events. She wouldn’t tell us who. We know where she lives and my wife who is really nice, brought her some nice flowers – and gifts and stuff which girls do for each other. Its just a normal thing to do.
I am not saying this is another jab victim, but the frequency of deaths of people we personally know, is far beyond what is normal – even for people of our ages.
So I was kind of in an internet discussion – Australian based…and I mentioned the film, I hadn’t seen since around 1963…
The problem is They are doing it for real now. across the entire planet.
They never admitted me, but several members of my family, when I was a little boy, who I used to visit on my way to the football match (Oldham Athletic). ECG actually worked on my Dad. He couldn’t remember all his “sins”, before he met my Mum. (Catholic Religion – don’t wear a condom)
So I typed in the words “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Next” and watched the entire film for free, without any adverts or breaks. in Full HD and Stereo
Possibly the best film I have seen since 1963.
Both hilarious, and deeply sad
These “apologies” are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don’t just “think this up” on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
This is just the opening salvo in a PR campaign we will likely see over and over again. Most likely this represents testing the rhetoric to determine which phrasing is the most persuasive and effective for gaslighting the population.
It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from narcissistic scumbags?
Further, the perpetrators do not get to decide anything about “sorry” , it is the victims who determine when and if forgiveness is appropriate.The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice for the crimes that were committed across all sectors of society.
These crimes are still being committed on a daily basis. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred.
‘Sorry’ ain’t gonna cut it.
This notion of “sorry” has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is a disgrace and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed.
Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic. I don’t believe we should even be in a conversation about “forgiveness” at this point- we need justice.
Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.
“Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do, we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes.”
No thanks.
Children have been a political and private sector manilative Propagandist convience since before the Great War. You raise yours I’ll raise mine Political Emotioal Fog.
From both sides of the garden fence, the Bussybodies need little encouragement to latch onto some Gobshite who, not only Tells You what needs to be done,.. collectively ends up manlipulating your self beliefs. “For The Greater Good”!
What better example of Social Community Fascist Entro. Is there to the obsessive complusive Fascination of E.Blairs 1984 & Animal Farm.
Maestro please:…
26,190 pairs of eyeballs to date have seen this article reproduced at ZeroHedge.
Doctors rely on immunologists for advice about the immune system, but both professions remain egregiously ignorant of the fact that with less than 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (made in the liver from ingested or ultraviolet-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol), innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens and to cancer are weakened to the point of being crippled.
Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation (such as 0.125 mg 5000 IU / day for 70 kg 154 lb body weight) most people’s 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is 5 to 25 ng/mL.
Quraishi et al. 2014 showed that with pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of 50 ng/mL or more, the risk of both surgical site infections and hospital acquired infections was about 2.5%. At the perfectly normal (in the unsupplemented) level of 18 ng/mL, the risk was 25% for each type of infection.
These normal, seriously unhealthy, terribly low, 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels also greatly increase the risk of excessive, self-destructive, wildly dysregulated, indiscriminate cell destroying inflammatory responses, which drive sepsis, severe COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc.
I say that it is evil that these health professionals, who the public relies upon, have allowed themselves, in general, have such a level of corrupted, groupthunk ineptitude about the importance of vitamin D to the immune system.
Please see the research cited at:
I believe that mainstream virologists are even more guilty. Their routine gene-splicing coronavirus research coupled with a lab escape (which is impossible to completely prevent) lead to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Collectively they deny this happened when, if they were astute and highly principled, they would be aghast at what happened and would be arguing strongly for enforceable regulations to prevent the same thing happening again. Instead, they continue this research, on a larger scale due to COVID-19 driven funding. See the Alex Washburne articles cited at .
This is no ignorance. Humanity is undergoing is near-global fraud and tyranny. Inconvenient facts, dissent, alerts or simple remedies may undermine profit or fake scholarship. So, they get buried or barred.
Agreed except not the lab escape. The Covid fraud is based on ignorance and fear even the Wuhan scenario. This was caused by gross pollution in winter due to temperature inversion causing respiratory illness. I explain here.
Current virology theory is fundamentally flawed. They will be looking at the exosome, part of the body’s own defenses. I explain here.
I consider most mainstream doctors the lowest of the low and grossly overpaid for harming those they are supposed to care for.
Vitamin D has been known about for decades yet few doctors seem to push for it. despicable.
From 59 minutes. There has been no apology but it there were…..
Well written and this mirrors my sentiment exactly. It’s surreal how most people just carry on without a care or, at least, oblivious of the Agenda and what’s in store for humanity.
“In SHAM DEMOCRACY USA politics is all fake.FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!” ”

“The Republicrat- the political racket so corrupt it needs two aliases.”
“George Carlin was right.”
Sickness & Injuries are the stuff of great evening entertainment on TV…
You can watch The Heroes, young doctors perform Miracles, ‘saving’
lives…Is there any wonder doctors why are held in high esteem !
But why are the many attracted by such disaster movies ?
Do they need constant reassurance that Salvation is at hand ?
Propaganda consumed as entertainment…
Much ado may be made by those on the ship’s deck so nothing will change for those below being ground down to the bone.
I wonder whether anything might come of the following… (maybe we shouldn’t hold our breath…):
“India: Court date set for Bill Gates to answer to victim’s family for daughter’s murder by vaccine” (3pp), at:
The crime is murder. Multiple murders, series of murders, mass murder, genocide, all pre-planned, rehearsed and premeditated.
Total claim is 1,34 billion US dollars. Net worth of Bill Gates is estimated as of March 2022 to be 133,8 billion dollars. Do the math.
It’s a very profitable business, this murder by money.
Bottom line… THEY WILL DO IT ALL AGAIN and probably worse the next time they deploy another PCR kit “pandemic”.
I also feel that they aren’t finished. I posted about campaign donors and their investments/expectations, but its pending. In short, Desantis’s donors invest in gene therapy and expect anti-populist measures to move the Republicans more in line with corporations.
They aren’t finished.
I think amnesty is a little far fetched, considering that epigenetic effects are still unknown.
Wait… are you telling us that Desantis’s Billionaires are the same as DNC’s Billionaires?!
The shock…
Funny why every time I write a comment with the word Billionaires it goes to pre-censorship!
I will forget when I see every tyrant with a stretched neck.
Or they can spend their remaining life in a hard labor camp.
I think either is being generous.
I go for poetic justice, strap them to chairs and inject them with vaccine toxins. They say they work, so they can be the guinea pigs. We just keep doing it to test the vaccines over decades if necessary, keep them off vitamins out of the sunlight.
A Christian might say “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.”
And the writer of The Atlantic article did claim she acted in ignorance.,..
But We, The Unforgiving aint gonna turn the other cheek !
It’s only the ‘victim’ that can forgive (or call for it), as a wise person once said.
God says they knew exactly what they were doing and outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
The word for sorcerers is pharmakoi from which pharmaceutical is derived. This is why it was written in advance as a warning to those who had ears to hear.
Indoctrinating them to except the double.
Watch it here ….
Lol! Sorry, the designer muzzle mask makes me laugh. Who came up with these in vogue designs anyway.
Hi Susan, what do you mean by “viral transmission”? That’s something I have never heard of, outside the cult talk. T.i.a.!
Thanks for this essay; in lieu of posting a longer-winded concurring opinion, I will recycle a concurring comment I posted elsewhere to an article justly critiquing Ms. Oster’s offensive “Atlantic” essay– essentially her supercilious attempt at “copping a plea”, to use a vintage idiomatic expression:
Ms. Oster’s puerile, vapid, and eminently self-serving plea isn’t worth deconstructing; it boils down to, “Let’s agree to ‘forgive and forget’ about the scamdemic high crimes and misdemeanors, promise not to go to bed mad, and never let it happen again!”
I was tempted to use her useful idiocy as a springboard to recycle my critique of the modern “truth and reconciliation commission” scam. Instead, I’ll just give away the punch line and assert that Oster’s mewling perspective exemplifies the same cultural, social, and psychological shift (or warp) that underpins such commissions:
Since prudence and common sense inform us that the pursuit of “social justice” has become obsolete and passé, we instead must perforce turn to a New! Improved! standard– a therapeutic approach that replaces inconveniently elusive old “justice” with expedient closure and healing.
Bah! Humbug! 😡
forgive me…but am of the opinion…that before travelling, Cruise ship companies require that passengers be fully vaxed ?
I just watched the Corona Commission and evidently a German health officer or politician is also asking for forgiveness in much the same way as the Oster article. So this is definitely a trial balloon. I’d like to know how many other nations are being asked the same thing.
Forgiveness isn’t a response to illegal actions and the Oster article title tells me they know that. They are asking for amnesty. Amnesty is for crimes. I believe their are enough crime victims that there won’t be criminal amnesty.
The speaker on the Corona Commission mentioned that those who committed atrocities, our former? friends and neighbors still don’t want to talk about what they did, how vicious and cruel they were. Most of these people still have no idea why so many people are sick and dying. So they are definitely not talking or looking into anything. This too may change if the amount of death and disability just cannot be overcome with denial and propaganda.
A great evil has been committed and it is still in progress. I’m glad there are many people who know this because we must stop it.
Thank you for writing this essay.
there won’t be criminal amnesty
:- The Atlantic article appears to consider amnesty for those who failed to comply, thus “endangering others”.
:- $1 billion per country may be enough to buy any legislation the global cabal wants.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-09. Did entire world run PCR too high. HIV (Glycoprotein 120) inserted into spike protein – no other CV has (blog, gab, tweet).
2 fake viruses COMBINED?? Terrifying!!
Off-G: I spent a good amount of time composing a comment, and now it is stuck in “pending.”
So is mine Tom! It has started become more frequent. Don’t worry it’ll soon be Christmas!
Now my comment has been upgraded to “spam.” Hey, Off-G can you look into this? I have supported you financially, does that count at all?
You probably wrote something about their ContrOpp agenda?
‘Spam’ status is as automatic as ‘pending’. A miniscule change such as embolding text or italicizing it is enough to trigger it. So don’t take it personally.
You make intelligent comments. Keep ’em coming (though I may disagree with all of them)…’nuff said.
I’ve had my comments appear days later after I post them. By that time few people will see it. After spending about an hour composing this comment it is very frustrating.
:- Compose the comment offline.
:- If it becomes “pending”, try this in sequence after ~10-20 min.: (1) refresh page (2) clear browser temp. data (3) post another comment (in the same place if it is a reply) to alert admin., mentioning the time of the first comment.
It was just released from ”pending.” See below.
Nov 12, 2022 6:43 pm
Well apparently I’ve been making minuscule changes about a hundred times since the past two-three weeks
Did you edit it a few times? That’s the only time I have a problem, 2 or 3 edits and they’re gonzo. If you have a lengthy, post type it out in something else and copy/paste.
Nope. Composed offline, then copy/paste. It went immediately into “pending.”.
That invariably happens to me too Tom, I have tried what has been suggested maybe we have to live with it!
It was just released from :”pending.” See one post below.
Nov 12, 2022 6:43 pm
It was just released from :”pending.” See below.
Nov 12, 2022 6:43 pm
I no longer spend a lot of time composing a comment… (that was quite long actually)
The problem of accepting the narrative that Covid exists
(Contrary to the most reliable scientific data – all cause mortality (see the work of Denis Rancourt et al)).
· The manipulation, fraud in Covid-19 death attribution
· The fraud of Covid “cases”
· The notion that Covid was a “mild” disease when the best data shows it didn’t even exist
· The notion that government health policies were an “overreaction” rather than the intentional imposition of totalitarian measures as the preconditions for the Biosecurity State
· The wholesale abandonment of the Hippocratic oath
· Omnipresent iatrogenic homicide by health professionals and institutions
· The policy driven abandonment of healthcare for non-Covid maladies
· From my experience, at least half and maybe much more of the people in the health-freedom movement believe that Covid is/was real and dangerous
· From my experience, at least half and maybe much more of the people in the health-freedom movement believe that Covid was leaked from a bio-weapons lab intentionally or accidentally
In a comment section I noticed a point of view that may even be the majority viewpoint in the health-freedom movement regarding the Lab Leak Theory:
“I highly suspect that the “no virus” contingent is a controlled op trying to keep gain of function research from being investigated/ended.”
(My response): The controlled opposition argument would be SUPPORTED MUCH BETTER by the Lab Leak Theory as it maintains the Covid Narrative as a deadly pathogen for which draconian measures including the suspension of basic civil liberties were “necessary.” It maintains the notion the “novel” virus was “unprecedented” and therefore a “New Normal” raft of invasive policies would be justified (like mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, condemnation of using cash, the systematic attack on free speech in the form stopping “misinformation”, truly unprecedented censorship, the roll out of CBDC’s, I could go on and on…
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then? Well, we’d have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would collapse as the corrupt house of cards it is. So, no, the Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.
I have read RFK Jr’s book and I do not believe that he is “controlled opposition.” However, I strongly suspect that the Lab Leak Theory is a Limited Hangout (planned from the beginning) designed to entrap well-meaning people. As most of you know both the Lab Leak Theory and the “early treatment” camp (Dr. Peter McCollough et al) have become cottage industries (which is telling in itself) giving them perpetual motion, eyeballs, likes, at least some funding (if not covert funding which may be likely).
But this is not all. By accepting that Covid exists or existed, (whether “natural” or lab-generated) does not challenge the intentions of Lockdown polices, of States of Emergency, only the “incompetent”, “misguided” administration of the “pandemic” response.
Lockdown polices and States of Emergency are in many jurisdictions and countries, turned off to whatever degree, but they can be turned back on – at any time – with little warning.
Now that we have billions of people who are jabbed, and will dutifully get the next one when government/MSM tells them to, the new Biosecurity State can easily create the appearance of a deadly pandemic by just upping the toxicity of the next mandated “life saving vaccine.” Then we really could see people dropping dead in the streets. When that happens, the limited hangout of the people (who may be the majority among the current opposition) who adhere to Covid-19 and the Lab Leak nonsense will all become true believers and will support the new Biofascism. Then we are done.
That, I believe, is why we much push back now, vigorously against this false notion, false narrative.
Very well said.
An alternative route to the same conclusion:
Sanjoy, I have been trying to expose the virus fraud since 2009 on their virology and medical websites, taking on the virologists and the doctors themselves, but it reached the point where they either refused to answer questions that exposed their incoherent and contradictory theories for the fraud they really are, including their fictitious virus models and the vaccines that they claim to prevent infectious diseases.
Instead of receiving reasoned counter arguments to my questions regarding the problems connected with viruses in particular, I came under personal attack, and my questions and arguments were met with abuse and every insult under the sun.
I knew then that I had struck a nerve, and they did not like it one bit. Thanks to offG many people now have done their own research exposing the virus fraud. The next step is to reinstate the common law and common law courts to prosecute the perpetrators of that fraud and other crimes against the people. If the police won’t do it (dereliction of duty), the people have the right under common law to take action. The more people that come to realize that fact the better.
The abusive doubletalk responses continue, as I’ve found posting the same questions on various virus-pusher substack posts. A nerve indeed, which makes one wonder whether they have any valid argument at all — for why use such double talk when you have a good argument?
Yes, Sanjoy there’s certainly a lot of double talk concerning viruses. There’s also lots of acronyms and jargon in their literature which puts people off reading through their scientific papers (if some are inclined to do so).
In fact, it reminds me of the legalese that lawyers have to learn which enables them to con the public via the support of a corrupt “legal system” predominantly run for profit but not for justice.
That’s why I can see that there is little hope for the people obtaining any semblance of true justice (short of a miracle) under the present system, unless they can get their act together soon and figure out a peaceful way of dealing with our current problems.
Pax et Lux.
Thanks. My post sat in “pending” for 30 hours…
Todd, the same alt media having kittens about the Atlantic article was the same alt media who sold Bojo & The Leave e.u psyop to weaker minded readers.
The Hypocrisy is beyond belief.
This was the City of London anti Establishment hero fighting the evil E.U zzzzzzzzzzz
It’s not easy to forgive people who are actively trying to kill you.
When those people have stepped off the scaffold, they will still not be forgiven.
Crimes against Humanity do not quietly disappear.
apologies come after justice is served, not before
get with the script, fool! where is your facemask!?
; )
just us
As long as the normies keep believing in viruses they will always be susceptible to fear based propaganda system that controls them. And their worship of doctors is even more pathetic.
Olivier Clerc outlined the many ways in modern medicine has supplanted religion and the inherent similarities:
Well done…..those are excellent observations
By now, I would imagine, medical intervention has overtaken heart disease and cancer as the leading cause of human mortality.
WHO had a page on the subject. It only dared to cover the “less developed” countries. It mentioned 3.3 million deaths/year from failed treatments (including blunders and complications), but evaded dud treatments and fraud/crime.
We saw the true colors, they will come out again. And I think the Atlantic article represents a very small part of society, specifically those in official positions and the media who knew they were lying and now need to avoid their Nuremburg trials. It is after all a propaganda outlet for the zionist media. The rest of the sheeple still have no frigging clue and will just as easily slip back into their “make them starve!” mode when the time comes.
As far as whether those of us on the right side of truth are overreacting. No man, don’t even go there, war has been declared. Those trying to control us would just as soon have us dead. That’s a fact.
Such a writer! Well done! The last lines are superb. That imagery will stay with me now… the bones beneath the surface.
Jeez Sylvia, calm down for god sake.
We don’t need to believe that covid is over.
For me at least, it’s enough to assign to it the same yawning disinterest I had when the blessed mad-demic was a new fashion.
My real life goes on as before, with the only change being a willingness to be blunt and vehement if anybody ever again dares to try and covidize me in my own personal space.
Look what happens when you get pregnant at 80
In the US people are returning to “normal” some are trying to act as if nothing happened that they didn’t goosestep and side with the psychopaths and viciously demonize honest free thinkers who didn’t trust the government, Big Pharma or the media. There is an air of uneasiness as people I know still brag about getting flu shots and boosters, these are the same people who didn’t want to be around me because I wasn’t vaxxed because I wasn’t drinking the COVID Kool-Aid who thought I was crazy. A group of family members all caught “COVID” after going to Florida this summer and they were fully vaxxed and boosted so now we’re invited to family events again.
I feel sorry for most people because we ae being set up by the overlords. The depopulation and Big Pharma rip off foundations have been laid and the miscreants and psychopaths are now creating more lethal strains They are gaming and preparing for future “pandemics” and outbreaks to be ready for the “appropriate time”. Evil is all about us and insanity reigns supreme, most people have been conditioned not to fully recognize or act upon what they know and see as evil.
Just three years ago, “evil” was a word used only by religious zealots and evangelists, but now there simply isn’t a better word to describe the thoughts and deeds of our so-called ‘representatives’.
“Get thee behind me, Satan”, in modern parlance, would now be, “See that hill over there? Well I would like you to go round the back of it right now and fuck yourself with a red-hot, extra-large monkey wrench.”
After all, the Old Testament was written a heck of a long time ago.
You have to keep your hardware and software updated.
Don’t worry about the BU study. Go to Sam Bailey’s site & she explains the sleight of hand with the 80% dead mice trick. Actually, they euthanized 80% of the mice that lost 20% of their body weight after being poisoned with the “gain of function” soup. They are evil… and virologists are idiots.
Idiots perhaps, but they know a slice of buttered bread when they see one.
Used to be, it was some wretched war which could wreck their plans. Now it’s a wretched “vaccine.”
Have we come a long way, baby? Or moved a little closer to hell on earth?
I’m afraid the latter…
I’m still trying to complete training and certification as a wilderness guide that was all canceled in March 2020. Finally Canada opened to the unvaccinated, but one course I need to complete won’t drop their vaccine requirement till end of December and after that will continue to require masks. The bullshit isn’t over. I don’t forgive any of these bastards.
I will never forgive them either.
Their asking for forgiveness is tantamount to someone kicking you in the shin when he meant to kick you in the groin.
“A thousand pardons. Is it my fault God gave me short legs?”
Haha, true. Here’s my version: “I’m sorry that you’re too tall,” or “Oops, sorry – you shouldn’t have been standing there.”